Python Package

Infini-gram offers a Python package, which allows you to run the infini-gram engine on your own machine. You can access all functionalities offered by the API Endpoint and the Web Interface, plus a little extra, while being spare of the annoying network latency and rate limits.

You can run the engine on our pre-build infini-gram indexes, which we have opened up for download. Since version 2.1.0, you can also build new indexes on datasets of your choice.


Running the infini-gram engine is easy! Here’s a minimal example:

>>> from infini_gram.engine import InfiniGramEngine
>>> from transformers import AutoTokenizer

>>> tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf", add_bos_token=False, add_eos_token=False)
>>> engine = InfiniGramEngine(index_dir='index/v4_pileval_llama', eos_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id)

>>> input_ids = tokenizer.encode('natural language processing')
>>> input_ids
[5613, 4086, 9068]
>>> engine.count(input_ids=input_ids)
{'count': 76, 'approx': False}

This Python Package vs. the API Endpoint

The Python package has all the functionalities of the API endpoint, plus a few extra features:

  1. There is no hard upper limit on query parameters (max_support, max_clause_freq, max_diff_tokens, maxnum, max_disp_len). The only limit will be your machine’s compute power.
  2. In addition to retrieving random documents that match your query, you can enumerate these documents sequentially.

There are a few other distinctions:

  1. Inputting query strings is not allowed. You need to tokenize your query yourself.
  2. CNF queries have separate method names (count_cnf(), search_docs_cnf()) from simple queries (count(), search_docs()).
  3. The input field query_ids is replaced by more specific names: input_ids, cnf, prompt_ids and/or cont_ids.
  4. The output does not contain fields token_ids, tokens, and latency.


  1. Check your system and make sure it satisfies the following requirements:
    • This package should work on any Linux distribution. Sorry no MacOS or Windows support :)
    • Supported architectures are x86_64 and i686.
    • Your system needs to be little-endian. This should be the case for most modern machines.
    • Please make sure you have Python >=3.8 (and strictly speaking, CPython, not PyPy or some other implementations).
  2. Install this package: pip install infini-gram

  3. If you’d like to run the engine on one of our pre-built indexes, download the index that you would like to query. For sake of performance, it is strongly recommended that you put the index on an SSD. See details in the “Pre-built Indexes” section below.

  4. If none of the pre-built indexes fit your need, you can build new indexes on datasets of your own choice. See details in the “Indexing Custom Datasets” section.

Pre-built Indexes

We have made the following indexes publicly available on AWS S3.

Smaller indexes are stored in the <s3://infini-gram-lite> bucket and can be downloaded for free and without an AWS account. These indexes are v4_pileval_llama, v4_pileval_gpt2, and v4_dolmasample_olmo. To download, run command

aws s3 cp --no-sign-request --recursive {S3_URL} {LOCAL_INDEX_PATH}

Larger indexes are stored in the <s3://infini-gram> bucket. To download these indexes, you need to pay for the data transfer fee (~$0.09 per GB according to AWS S3 pricing). Make sure you have correctly set up your AWS credentials before downloading these indexes. These indexes are v4_rpj_llama_s4, v4_piletrain_llama, and v4_c4train_llama. To download, run command

aws s3 cp --request-payer requester --recursive {S3_URL} {LOCAL_INDEX_PATH}
Name Documents Tokens Storage Corpus Tokenizer S3 URL
v4_dolma-v1_7_llama 3,403,336,408 2,604,642,372,173 20TiB Dolma-v1.7 Llama-2 s3://infini-gram/index/v4_dolma-v1_7_llama
v4_rpj_llama_s4 931,361,530 1,385,942,948,192 8.9TiB RedPajama Llama-2 s3://infini-gram/index/v4_rpj_llama_s4
v4_piletrain_llama 210,607,728 383,299,322,520 2.5TiB Pile-train Llama-2 s3://infini-gram/index/v4_piletrain_llama
v4_c4train_llama 364,868,892 198,079,554,945 1.3TiB C4-train Llama-2 s3://infini-gram/index/v4_c4train_llama
v4_dolma-v1_6-sample_llama 13,095,416 9,178,218,956 62GiB Dolma-v1.6-sample Llama-2 s3://infini-gram/index/v4_dolma-v1_6-sample_llama
v4_dolmasample_olmo 13,095,416 8,039,098,124 53GiB Dolma-v1.6-sample OLMo s3://infini-gram-lite/index/v4_dolmasample_olmo
v4_pileval_llama 214,670 393,769,120 2.3GiB Pile-val Llama-2 s3://infini-gram-lite/index/v4_pileval_llama
v4_pileval_gpt2 214,670 383,326,404 2.2GiB Pile-val GPT-2 s3://infini-gram-lite/index/v4_pileval_gpt2

Using the Inference Engine

Prior to submitting any type of queries, you need to instatiate the engine with the index you would like to query. As an example, below we create an engine with the index for Pile-val (the validation set of Pile), which was created using the Llama-2 tokenizer:

>>> from infini_gram.engine import InfiniGramEngine
>>> from transformers import AutoTokenizer

>>> tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf", add_bos_token=False, add_eos_token=False) # the tokenizer should match that of the index you load below
>>> engine = InfiniGramEngine(index_dir='index/v4_pileval_llama', eos_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id) # please replace index_dir with the local directory where you store the index

1. Count an n-gram (count() and count_cnf())

This query type counts the number of times the query string appears in the corpus. For example, to find out the number of occurrences of n-gram natural language processing in the Pile-val corpus,

>>> input_ids = tokenizer.encode('natural language processing')
>>> input_ids
[5613, 4086, 9068]

>>> engine.count(input_ids=input_ids)
{'count': 76, 'approx': False}

The approx field indicates whether the count is approximate. For simple queries with a single n-gram term, this is always False (the count is always exact). As you will see later, count for complex queries may be approximate.

If you submit an empty query, the engine returns the total number of tokens in the corpus.

>>> engine.count(input_ids=[])
{'count': 393769120, 'approx': False}

You can also make more complex queries by connecting multiple n-grams with the AND/OR operators, in the CNF format, in which case the engine counts the number of times where this logical constraint is satisfied. A CNF query is a triply-nested list. The top-level is a list of disjunctive clauses (which are eventually connected with the AND operator). Each disjuctive clause is a list of n-gram terms (which are eventually connected with the OR operator). And each n-gram term has the same format as input_ids above, i.e., a list of token ids.

# natural language processing OR artificial intelligence
>>> cnf = [
...     [tokenizer.encode('natural language processing'), tokenizer.encode('artificial intelligence')]
... ]
>>> cnf
[[[5613, 4086, 9068], [23116, 21082]]]

>>> engine.count_cnf(cnf=cnf)
{'count': 499, 'approx': False}
# natural language processing AND deep learning
>>> cnf = [
...     [tokenizer.encode('natural language processing')],
...     [tokenizer.encode('deep learning')],
... ]
>>> cnf
[[[5613, 4086, 9068]], [[6483, 6509]]]

>>> engine.count_cnf(cnf=cnf)
{'count': 6, 'approx': False}
# (natural language processing OR artificial intelligence) AND deep learning
>>> cnf = [
...     [tokenizer.encode('natural language processing'), tokenizer.encode('artificial intelligence')],
...     [tokenizer.encode('deep learning')],
... ])
>>> cnf
[[[5613, 4086, 9068], [23116, 21082]], [[6483, 6509]]]

>>> engine.count_cnf(cnf=cnf)
{'count': 19, 'approx': False}

CNF queries and approximation: In case the CNF query contains AND operator(s), the engine needs to enumerate all occurrences of each clause and pick cases where they co-occur within reasonable distance. This distance is controlled by the optional parameter max_diff_tokens, which has a default value of 100. Increasing this value and you may get more counts:

# natural language processing AND deep learning
>>> engine.count_cnf(cnf=[
...     [tokenizer.encode('natural language processing')],
...     [tokenizer.encode('deep learning')],
... ], max_diff_tokens=1000)
{'count': 14, 'approx': False}

However, if one of the clauses have a too high count, it will be inpractical to enumerate all its occurrences. Our solution is to take a subsample of its occurrences when the count is higher than a threshold, controlled by the optional parameter max_clause_freq, which has a default value of 50000. When subsampling happens on any of the clauses, the count will be reported as approximate:

>>> engine.count(input_ids=tokenizer.encode('this'))
{'count': 739845, 'approx': False}
>>> engine.count(input_ids=tokenizer.encode('that'))
{'count': 1866317, 'approx': False}

# this AND that
>>> engine.count_cnf(cnf=[[tokenizer.encode('this')], [tokenizer.encode('that')]])
{'count': 982128, 'approx': True}

Increasing this value and you will get more accurate estimate of the count, and when this value is larger than (or equal to) the count of all clauses, the count becomes exact.

>>> engine.count_cnf(cnf=[[tokenizer.encode('this')], [tokenizer.encode('that')]], max_clause_freq=500000)
{'count': 430527, 'approx': True}

>>> engine.count_cnf(cnf=[[tokenizer.encode('this')], [tokenizer.encode('that')]], max_clause_freq=2000000)
{'count': 480107, 'approx': False}

2. Prob of the last token (prob())

This query type computes the n-gram LM probability of a token conditioning on a preceding prompt.

For example, to compute P(processing | natural language):

>>> input_ids = tokenizer.encode('natural language processing')
>>> input_ids
[5613, 4086, 9068]

>>> engine.prob(prompt_ids=input_ids[:-1], cont_id=input_ids[-1])
{'prompt_cnt': 257, 'cont_cnt': 76, 'prob': 0.29571984435797666}

In this case, prompt_cnt is the count of the 2-gram natural language, cont_cnt is the count of the 3-gram natural language processing, and prob is the division of these two counts.

If the prompt cannot be found in the corpus, the probability would be 0/0=NaN. In these cases we report prob = -1.0 to indicate an error:

>>> input_ids = tokenizer.encode('I love natural language processing')
>>> input_ids
[306, 5360, 5613, 4086, 9068]

>>> engine.prob(prompt_ids=input_ids[:-1], cont_id=input_ids[-1])
{'prompt_cnt': 0, 'cont_cnt': 0, 'prob': -1.0}

3. Next-token distribution (ntd())

This query type computes the n-gram LM next-token distribution conditioning on a preceding prompt.

For example, this will return the token distribution following natural language:

>>> input_ids = tokenizer.encode('natural language')
>>> input_ids
[5613, 4086]

>>> engine.ntd(prompt_ids=input_ids)
{'prompt_cnt': 257, 'result_by_token_id': {13: {'cont_cnt': 1, 'prob': 0.0038910505836575876}, 297: {'cont_cnt': 1, 'prob': 0.0038910505836575876}, ..., 30003: {'cont_cnt': 1, 'prob': 0.0038910505836575876}}, 'approx': False}

result_by_token_id is a dict that maps token id to the probability of that token as a continuation of the prompt.

If the prompt cannot be found in the corpus, you will get an empty distribution:

>>> input_ids = tokenizer.encode('I love natural language processing')
>>> input_ids
[306, 5360, 5613, 4086, 9068]

>>> engine.ntd(prompt_ids=input_ids[:-1])
{'prompt_cnt': 0, 'result_by_token_id': {}, 'approx': False}

Approximation: For each occurrence of the prompt, the engine needs to inspect the token appearing after it. This is time-consuming and not feasible when prompt_cnt is large. After this prompt count crosses a threshold, the engine needs to downsample the number of cases it inspects, and the resulting distribution will become approximate (which will be reflected in the approx field). This threshold is controlled by the optional parameter max_support, which has a default value of 1000. For example, to get the unigram token distribution, you can query with an empty prompt and the result will be approximate:

>>> engine.ntd(prompt_ids=[])
{'prompt_cnt': 393769120, 'result_by_token_id': {12: {'cont_cnt': 1013873, 'prob': 0.00257479052699714}, 13: {'cont_cnt': 14333030, 'prob': 0.03639957851443506}, ..., 30934: {'cont_cnt': 489584, 'prob': 0.0012433275621003496}}, 'approx': True}

4. ∞-gram prob (infgram_prob())

This query type computes the ∞-gram LM probability of a token conditioning on a preceding prompt. It uses the longest suffix of the prompt that has a non-zero count in the corpus.

>>> input_ids = tokenizer.encode('I love natural language processing')
>>> input_ids
[306, 5360, 5613, 4086, 9068]

>>> engine.infgram_prob(prompt_ids=input_ids[:-1], cont_id=input_ids[-1])
{'prompt_cnt': 257, 'cont_cnt': 76, 'prob': 0.29571984435797666, 'suffix_len': 2}

The field suffix_len indicates the number of tokens in the longest suffix of the prompt. In this case, since [5613, 4086] can be found in the corpus, but [5360, 5613, 4086] cannot, the longest suffix is [5613, 4086], which has length 2.

5. ∞-gram next-token distribution (infgram_ntd())

This query type computes the ∞-gram LM next-token distribution conditioning on a preceding prompt.

>>> input_ids = tokenizer.encode('I love natural language')
>>> input_ids
[306, 5360, 5613, 4086]

>>> engine.infgram_ntd(prompt_ids=input_ids, max_support=10)
{'prompt_cnt': 257, 'result_by_token_id': {297: {'cont_cnt': 32, 'prob': 0.1245136186770428}, 470: {'cont_cnt': 32, 'prob': 0.1245136186770428}, 508: {'cont_cnt': 1, 'prob': 0.0038910505836575876}, 8004: {'cont_cnt': 32, 'prob': 0.1245136186770428}, 9068: {'cont_cnt': 96, 'prob': 0.3735408560311284}, 24481: {'cont_cnt': 32, 'prob': 0.1245136186770428}, 29889: {'cont_cnt': 32, 'prob': 0.1245136186770428}}, 'approx': True, 'suffix_len': 2}

6. Search documents (search_docs() and search_docs_cnf())

This query type returns a few random documents in the corpus that match your query. You can view this as an extension to count(). In addition to returning the count of occurrences matching your query, it will also return a random sample (with replacement) of documents containing these occurrences.

For example, to get a random document containing natural language processing, you can use the search_docs() method:

>>> input_ids = tokenizer.encode('natural language processing')
>>> input_ids
[5613, 4086, 9068]

>>> engine.search_docs(input_ids=input_ids, maxnum=1, max_disp_len=10)
{'cnt': 76, 'approx': False, 'idxs': [54], 'documents': [{'doc_ix': 142405, 'doc_len': 19238, 'disp_len': 10, 'metadata': '', 'token_ids': [4475, 304, 9045, 2562, 322, 5613, 4086, 9068, 29889, 13]}]}

The document field is a list of documents. Please check out the meaning of these fields in the API Documentation. maxnum controls the number of documents to sample (default value is 1), and max_disp_len controls the max number of tokens to return per documents (default value is 1000). Note that the sampling is with replacement, so you might get duplicate documents if you ask for more than one documents. To get a new batch of random documents, simply run this query again.

CNF queries are also supported! The method name is search_docs_cnf() and its protocol is same as count_cnf():

# natural language processing AND deep learning
>>> cnf = [
...     [tokenizer.encode('natural language processing')],
...     [tokenizer.encode('deep learning')],
... ]
>>> cnf
[[[5613, 4086, 9068]], [[6483, 6509]]]

>>> engine.search_docs_cnf(cnf=cnf, maxnum=1, max_disp_len=20)
{'cnt': 6, 'approx': False, 'idxs': [2], 'documents': [{'doc_ix': 191568, 'doc_len': 3171, 'disp_len': 20, 'metadata': '', 'token_ids': [29889, 450, 1034, 13364, 508, 367, 4340, 1304, 304, 7945, 6483, 6509, 2729, 5613, 4086, 9068, 9595, 1316, 408, 10013]}]}

Again, you can also use max_clause_freq and max_diff_tokens to control the behavior of CNF queries. Note that when the CNF query contains AND operator(s) the the count is approximate, the actual number of retrievable documents will be fewer than the reported count (since this count accounted for the subsampling).

6.1 Enumerating all documents containing your query

search_docs() and search_docs_cnf() returns a random sample of the matching documents. If you want to enumerate all these documents sequentially, there’s a way to do it but it’s slightly more complicated.

For simple queries, you need to first call find() to get information about where the matching documents are located.

>>> input_ids = tokenizer.encode('natural language processing')
>>> input_ids
[5613, 4086, 9068]

>>> engine.find(input_ids=input_ids)
{'cnt': 76, 'segment_by_shard': [(365362993, 365363069)]}

The returned segment_by_shard is a list of 2-tuples, each tuple represents a range of “ranks” in one of the shards of the index, and each rank can be traced back to a matched document in that shard. The length of this list is equal to the total number of shards. For example, if you want to retrieve the first matched document in shard 0, you can do

>>> engine.get_doc_by_rank(s=0, rank=365362993, max_disp_len=10)
{'doc_ix': 47865, 'doc_len': 12932, 'disp_len': 10, 'metadata': '', 'token_ids': [363, 5164, 11976, 1316, 408, 5613, 4086, 9068, 518, 29992]}

The returned dict represents a document. You can see that the query input_ids [5613, 4086, 9068] is present in this document.

The ranges are left-inclusive and right-exclusive. To enumerate all documents, you can do something like

>>> find_result = engine.find(input_ids=input_ids)
>>> for s, (start, end) in enumerate(find_result['segment_by_shard']):
...     for rank in range(start, end):
...         doc = engine.get_doc_by_rank(s=s, rank=rank)

For CNF queries, you need to first call find_cnf() which returns locations of matching documents in a different protocol:

# natural language processing AND deep learning
>>> cnf = [
...     [tokenizer.encode('natural language processing')],
...     [tokenizer.encode('deep learning')],
... ]
>>> cnf
[[[5613, 4086, 9068]], [[6483, 6509]]]

>>> engine.find_cnf(cnf=cnf)
{'cnt': 6, 'approx': False, 'ptrs_by_shard': [[717544382, 377178100, 706194108, 25563710, 250933686, 706194476]]}

Note that the returned field is not segment_by_shard but rather ptrs_by_shard. For each shard, instead of having a range of “ranks”, now we get a list of “pointers”, and each pointer can be traced back to a matched document in that shard of the index. The length of the outer list is equal to the total number of shards. To get documents with these pointers, you need to call a different helper function:

# Get the document at pointer #2 in shard 0
>>> engine.get_doc_by_ptr(s=0, ptr=706194108, max_disp_len=20)
{'doc_ix': 191568, 'doc_len': 3171, 'disp_len': 20, 'metadata': '', 'token_ids': [29889, 450, 1034, 13364, 508, 367, 4340, 1304, 304, 7945, 6483, 6509, 2729, 5613, 4086, 9068, 9595, 1316, 408, 10013]}

You can see that both [5613, 4086, 9068] and [6483, 6509] are present in this document. (For illustration I use a small max_disp_len; since the default max_diff_tokens = 100, you might need to increase max_disp_len to see the document covering all clauses in the CNF query.)

To enumerate all documents, you can do something like

>>> find_result = engine.find_cnf(cnf=cnf)
>>> for s, ptrs in enumerate(find_result['ptrs_by_shard']):
...     for ptr in ptrs:
...         doc = engine.get_doc_by_ptr(s=s, ptr=ptr)

Indexing Custom Datasets

If the dataset you’d like to query does not have a pre-built index, you can build the index yourself.

For example, to index the training set of Pile using the Llama-2 tokenizer, you can run

python -m infini_gram.indexing \
    --data_dir /dir/of/pile/train \
    --save_dir /dir/to/save/the/index \
    --tokenizer llama \
    --cpus 64 --mem 512 \
    --shards 2 --add_metadata \
    --ulimit 1048576

This assumes that your system has 64 CPU cores and 512 GiB of RAM available to the program, and will shard the index in 2 ways.

Estimate the number of shards: Before we can build the index, we need to estimate the number of shards $S$ to use. There are two considerations:

  1. Each shard of tokenized corpus must have no more than $2^{39} \approx 500\text{B}$ tokens.
  2. Each shard of tokenized corpus must fit in the RAM. If your machine has $M$ bytes of RAM, then the shard should be no bigger than $0.8 \cdot M$ bytes (to leave some buffer), and thus each shard should have no more than $0.4 \cdot M$ tokens.

Estimate the amount of disk space required: Before building the index, you might want to check that you have enough disk space. Aside from the original corpus, the index will consume roughly 7 bytes per token, so for a corpus of $N$ tokens, you will need $7 N$ bytes of disk space. If you include document metadata in the index (--add_metadata), you will need a bit more space. In addition, we also need some disk space to store temporary files, which is roughly $12 N / S$ bytes.

Prior to running this command, make sure you have the dataset files stored under --data_dir or its subdirectories. Each file should be a JSONL file (ending in .jsonl) or its compressed format (ending in .gz or .zst), and each line should be a dict with a field text and optionally some other fields (treated as metadata). If you have the data files in a different format, feel free to head to the installation path of this package, open, and edit the load_file() function.

The final index files will be stored under --save_dir. During indexing, some temporary files will be created under the same directory, and they will be automatically removed when indexing is done. If you would like these temporary files to utilize a different storage location, you may specify this with --temp_dir.

The available tokenizers are {gpt2, llama, olmo}. If you would like to use a different tokenizer, feel free to head to the installation path of this package, open, and add your tokenizer to the tokenize() function. The vocab size of the tokenizer must be no larger than 65535.

The ulimit argument raises the max number of open files allowed by the system. Some system does not allow raising this limit too much, and in such case you can try specifying a smaller value.

Use python -m infini_gram.indexing -h for additional help on using this program.


This package is licensed under the UW Academic Software License. Use by universities and non-profit institutions is allowed. Commercial use is not allowed. A copy of the license is enclosed with the package distribution.

The suffix array implementation is adapted from Lee et al. (2021), which is distributed under Apache-2.0.


We would like to thank Zihao Ye for sharing his advice on building and distributing python packages.


If you find infini-gram useful, please kindly cite our paper:

  title={Infini-gram: Scaling Unbounded n-gram Language Models to a Trillion Tokens},
  author={Liu, Jiacheng and Min, Sewon and Zettlemoyer, Luke and Choi, Yejin and Hajishirzi, Hannaneh},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.17377},